Friday, January 21, 2011

My expereince with glamour photography circa 1994

The idea for this post literally fell at my feet, I was searching for something on my massive bookcase the other day and when I pulled it out, these long forgotten photos fell to the ground.

Those old enough to remeber, will know that glamour photography took off in a big way in the early 90's. Studios promising Hollywood style make-overs sprung up everywhere.  I was curious but not prepared to pay the money they were asking for a picture of myself!  Over time all my friends and colleagues did it and raved about the expereince & proudly showed off the photos.  So in December 1994 when I came across an offer for a free session (all you had to do was purchase at least 1 photo) I decided to give it a try.  

I was very excited at the prospect of being transformed into something glamorous and had high hopes.  It got off to a dodgy start when the wanted to curl my hair, I let them do it and it looked awful.  The make up was not bad and the first lot of pictures were done against my better judgment with the curls.  Telling them I really did not like it they wet it and got rid of the curls for the other photos.  I do not overly like having my photo taken so I did not find the experience that enjoyable.

The worst part of the experience was the hard sell when they take you through the photos.  Pretty much they tell you how fantstic every shot is and it should be blown up portrait size etc....  I got so sick of the guy going on about the photos that by the time he was telling me how awesome the 10th shot was I told him if he liked it that much then maybe he should buy it?!   I am very harsh on myself, but I really was not thrilled with the photos mainly because I still looked like me when I wanted to look totally different.

In the end I purchased 2 of the shots, mainly so my Mum could see them. after that I just stored them away and never really looked at them again.  So here is me in glamour shot mode at age 22.

The first shot was inspired by a photo of Demi Moore I really liked, I don't think they got my one right.

No thats no me thats the shot of Demi I like

This is the photographers version

I think I look much older than 22 in this one

1 comment:

  1. what a blast from the past!
    You look wonderful!

    I just got a voucher for some glamour photography as a birthday present- it is something I have never considered before- feel a bit weird about it.
    I like that Demi-esque shot of you.

    Hehe when I was 20 I had my eyebrows plucked quite thin and I think it was a bit ageing as well.. now I stick to fuller brows as I think it makes me look younger.


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